The image must be predominantly the photographer’s own work including exposing all the images and any post production editing.
By virtue of submitting an image, the member certifies that the work is his/her own.
Images may be altered, either electronically or otherwise, by the maker, and artwork or computer graphics created by the maker may be incorporated if the photographic content predominates.
This includes using the photographer’s own sky image for Sky Replacement.
100% AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated Images will not be allowed.
AI will be allowed for some AI content, for example,, Sky replacement, removal of objects, increase image size, remove noise, sharpen image, removal of distracting elements, or make selections.
Only minor use of AI generated content will be allowed as long as the image is predominantly photographic.
Photographs of works of art that lack artistic interpretation by the photographer are not allowed.
Incidental inclusion of artwork in images will be allowed as long as the artwork is not the sole subject of the image.
The Club can decide to have special competitions where more AI content is allowed, or other specific variances with this guidance.
As more AI is included with post production software, the guidance will be modified, if needed.